简介: Episode 1: The Eleventh Hour Episode 2: The Beast Below Episode 3: Victory of the Daleks Episode 4: The Time of Angels Episode 5: Flesh and Stone Episode 6: The Vampires of Venice Episode 7: Amy's Choice Episode 8: The Hungry Earth Episode 9: Cold Blood Episode 10: Vincent and the Doctor Episode 11: The Lodger Episode 12: The Pandorica Opens Episode 13: The Big Bang
Episode 1: The Eleventh Hour Episode 2: The Beast Below Episode 3: Victory of the Daleks Episode 4: The Time of Angels Episode 5: Flesh and Stone Episode 6: The Vampires of Venice Episode 7: Amy's Choice Episode 8: The Hungry Earth Episode 9: Cold Blood Episode 10: Vincent and the Doctor Episode 11: The Lodger Episode 12: The Pandorica Opens Episode 13: The Big Bang展开
10.0 索佩·迪瑞苏//乔·科尔//米歇尔·费尔利//卢西安·姆瑟马蒂//布莱恩·威纳尔//皮帕·贝内特-华纳//娜格斯·拉什迪//阿西夫·拉扎·米尔//奥利·舒卡//埃丽·舒卡//贾兹·阿曼多//法蒂·艾沙耶德//安德鲁·浩二//理查德·多默//泰尼亚·米勒//菲尔·丹尼尔斯//鲁斯·西恩//马特·弗雷泽//维克多·阿里/ Murat Erkek//卢卡·斯拉德/ Connor McCausland/ Antonio Oliveira/